Thursday 25 August 2016

Reading The Thousand Splendid Suns (Khaled Hosseini)

Salam and hi...

As told by Nana (the character in the novel which was Mariam's mother); "Learn this now and learn this well, my daughter: Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam."

The warning itself was a hint to the direction of the story. Mariam was forced to married with an old man, Rasheed, in fact she thought her father, Jalil Khan could protect her.

Laila, the fifteen old girl was also forced to marry Rasheed with an excuse it'll bring a problem if there's an unmarried woman in their house.

Khaled Hosseini potrayed the environment of Afghanistan under Taliban control was a hell-like condition for women. No hospitals for women (if there was any, it was in a very bad condition), women were not allowed to do makeup, no school for women, no jewelries for women. Everything involved women were not allowed.

However Khaled Hosseini were excellent in portraying another side women that are strong in terms of emotion, mental and physical. It seen in Mariam and Laila. Both women were created to tell readers how the power to live is so strong even though they had to live in the chaos and unfair world.

I quote an excerpt from 'Acknowledgment' that was written by the author in the book:

Queen Soraya, wife of King Amanullah said: "Do not think, however, that our nation needs only men to serve it. Women should also take their part, as women did in the early years of Islam. The valuable services rendered by women are recounted throughout history. And from their examples, we learn that we must all contribute toward a development of our nation."

King Amanullah ruled Afghanistan during 1920's. He tried to liberate Afghanistan. He banned the wearing of burqa in public. He built the first hospital for women and the first school for girls. He brought teacher over from Europe and sent women to Europe to get an education. Amanullah tried to ban forced marriage, raise the minimum marrying age for girls to sixteen and ban the practice of bride price. Unfortunately there was a rebellion and died as and old man in exile.

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